Selected works

  • The fight for an equitable energy economy for the Navajo Nation

    Diné activist Nicole Horseherder’s long quest for equity from the rise and fall of the coal economy.

  • As climate change worsens hurricane season in Louisiana, doulas are ensuring parents can safely feed their babies

    A doula collective is training emergency responders from across the state in best practices, filling a crucial gap in disaster response.

  • Could casitas help prevent displacement in the West’s cities?

    As the housing crisis worsens, advocates sound off on how to bring homes to the people.

  • A monsoon summer in the Southwest

    How residents across the region are engaging with the yearly weather phenomenon.

  • ‘We are facing the biggest threat to security in history’: Jane Fonda on why she started a climate PAC

    In her first interview about the Jane Fonda Climate PAC, she discussed climate activism, her disappointment in President Biden and how she plans to influence the midterm elections.

  • This program is blazing a trail for women in wildland firefighting

    As wildfires worsen and the state faces a firefighter shortage, a California pilot program aims to recruit women to fight fires. But the field remains full of obstacles.Description goes here

  • Young and politically empowered in Arizona

    Latino canvassers push to get out the vote.

  • Can small-scale farmers grow a healthier California?

    Where industrial monocrops dominate, small farms form an agricultural resistance in the Central Valley.

  • Extreme heat is here, and it's deadly

    Gearing up for the fight against a new climate enemy.

See the rest of her work at The 19th here, and from High Country News here.